Saturday, November 8, 2008


Hi I am Paul VK2EX and here is my blog.

I am a happily married fellow to the best Woman, lets start with her, the inspiration to my life and the one I give most grief to (Kidding I hope). Her name is Sheralyn and we have been married since 1984.

I was a avid Amateur radio operator before meeting Sheralyn but I think she figured that she would never beat me in this hobby so she decided to join me, She studied hard and became proficient in Morse code and gained her call of VK2LUV in 1987. (Hows that for Love?)

I am a qualified Automotive Engineer (Trade) and an Automotive Electrician (Trade), I have a Post trade Qualification as Marine Mechanic plus many Automotive Electronic post trade qualifications, and specialising in Automotive Air Conditioning. I have taken my career very seriously and have enjoyed the journey.

My life has seen me into fatherhood with 3 fantastic children, Jarad born in 1990, Danita in 1992 and Carissa in 1994. I still wonder what I would have done without them in my life, they have also followed my Amateur radio hobby and all have their own calls, Jarad is VK2FLUX, Danita is VK2FLIE and Carissa is VK2FOXC.

In my career journey I was presented with opportunity to buy a business in Tweed Heads on the northern New South Wales coast, right on the Queensland border and my loving wife Sheralyn not wanting to hold me back agreed to move our family unit (All 5 of us) from our comfortable home in Sydney to Tweed Heads, away from all our support networks, friends and family just so I could follow my dream of owning our own business.

A big part of my Life is Amateur Radio, a hobby which I am as passionate about today as I was when I was first introduced to it. This hobby is really much more than just talking to people but is an opportunity to experiment and possibly uncover technologies that have yet to be thought of. I came across this little video while surfing the net and I feel this is the best example and demonstration of Amateur Radio I have seen yet, so congratulation to the people behind the production of this fine work.

I have always been a lover of all things digital within Ham Radio, including SSTV (Slow Scan Television) RTTY, AMTOR, PACTOR and PSK31, but with my children growing into young adults I found it necessary to Pack up my HF operations to make room for my children while they moved through their teenage years. I really thought I could survive without radio for a few years but found I needed something to keep my mind on the hobby. I rediscovered EchoLink again and found it could be easily interfaced to a radio and set up a link which I could access from the car or a handheld in the local area. I found this to be adequate for the time being and though I still miss HF radio I am able to keep in contact with my friends who I have made over the years.

Being involved with EchoLink has been fun and brought me into contact with some very clever and capable people, I met Peter EI4JR a avid amateur programmer and with a lot of ideas and suggestions, a few flops and a few successes we came up with an EchoLink add on program called Echo-Producer This is a great piece of software which enhances a standard EchoLink setup to enable a full repeater control with announcements and news broadcasts.

I also found it necessary for a place for all Australian EchoLink operators to meet, I then created the *AUSSIE* conference server to achieve this, Mike VA3PS was very kind to offer me server space to allow the *AUSSIE* conference server to reside and giving us very good bandwidth for the system to work effectively.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Paul...could you change the geocities web link on the *AUSSIE* conf server...I went to read it.........